Happy April's fools Day!
9:26 PM♥Today was so much fun!♫
We Partied all night and had a contest of who has the best costume! and the winner is:
Valerie!hahaha she had 5 yummy candies for the prize!
she wore sexy and I never thought she would wear such thing cause she's boyish.
We danced and had so much fun. I think I did a good job at operating this
Party even though we're few but at least I did my part at making this summer a FUN one!
Next week we will also have this party but I hope this time it will be much better
and Funner!
Happy April's fools Day!
Though I think I danced awkward again and dorky.
My sister said my body was so stiff and I can't do sexy that's why I think it became dorky..