Another stormy day.

5:03 PM

The storm got my shoe and socks all wet as well as my uniform.
School was canceled after lunch today. It's because of the storm.
Howiee. It's still raining outside, good thing it does not affect the internet connection or else I'm going to die!
Oh well, what else can I do here at our home  but surf the net and do the research for T.L.E.(Currently listening to Our kind of love-lady antebellum)

Right now am currently reading a book entitled, "Take me for a ride" in my ebook reader on my cellphone.
It's more likely about soul-searching. About, soul-mates, inspiration, aspiration, making lotsa people happy, ultimate destination, Guru(God), negative forces, quest, karma, etc.
It's about Mark and his quest in life: to find a teacher, more like a *brujo*, to get away from his stressed and disturbed parent who, in his story, seemed that is always irritated by them.
He found his *brujo*. Which is in the person of  Atmananda(Dr. Lenz) and Chinmoy.
Am still in the process of reading his real life story, though sometimes I don't understand some lines, but I think I get it's main point.
It was interesting in my part. Cause I, somehow see myself in his stories; in the way that he introduces himself.
I like to greet people; though sometimes I get ignored. I like to experiment on what people say and try it in my own life. It's actually fun. 
But being doubtful is our problem. We may want to know some person, be friends with them,  the problem is that even though we get along with such persons we tend to still doubt them.
And that is, what I think, make me distant.


This is why I found this book interesting. I'm hoping to find solution in my problem of being "DISTANT" from  people. I am hoping that this might help on improving myself.
God is with us.


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